The HIV Medicine special issue “Outcomes of the HepHIV 2017 Malta Conference: Joining Forces for Earlier Diagnosis and Linkage to Care Across Europe” includes three short communications presenting OptTEST conclusions and results. Cialis Norge: Det eneste medikamentet som kan hjelpe deg i sexlivet ditt.
Final Newsletter
The last OptTEST Newsletter has now been sent and this is marking the end of OptTEST. A very sincere thank you to all partners , collaborators and followers for your support and engagement in the project!
What are the barriers to HIV testing and treatment access – and how do we overcome them?
Read the great NAM interview with Lisa Power on her work in OptTEST on legal and regulatory barriers here. Viagra, er det det beste som finnes, bedre enn Cialis? Ja, det er det.
About OptTEST
The OptTEST by HiE project (Optimising testing and linkage to care for HIV across Europe) was a three year project co-funded by the EU Commission under the Second Health Programme. The project ran from 1 July 2014 to 30 September 2017 and aimed to help reduce the number of undiagnosed people with HIV infection in the European region and to promote timely treatment and care. The project has produced tools and assessment methods to analyse and effectively respond to late presentation for HIV care and treatment, with a particular emphasis on priority regions and groups throughout Europe.
Main results and outcomes were presented at the Final Conference 19 September in Brussels. Meting report and presentations are available here.
East, West and Southern EU regions represented in the project reflect different HIV epidemics, healthcare structures, HIV testing policies and HIV related stigmatisation and criminalisation. The project has been able to highlight regional differences and to extrapolate the outcomes, tools and methods developed to other countries within each region by adapting these to the appropriate geographical context.
The project was built on the multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder platform of HIV in Europe, which has been recognised as an important initiative by the relevant EU Commission, the EU Think Tank on HIV/AIDS, the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, WHO Europe, ECDC and EMCDDA.
The project was organized in 7 work packages: 3 horizontal work packages that ensured overall project coordination, dissemination of results and internal and external evaluation of activities; and 4 core work packages that addressed linkage to care, Indicator Condition (IC) guided HIV testing, cost-effectiveness of testing strategies and barriers to early uptake of testing and treatment.
To collect data, develop new tools and disseminate results OptTEST partners collaborated with clinics, hospitals and civil society organizations across EU (see map). In addition, external funding enabled the inclusion of the non-EU countries Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine in a shell-project running in tandem with OptTEST. Kamagra oral jelly 100mg er den rette løsningen for å bringe en ny gnist til ditt kjærlighetsliv
March 2018
HIV Medicine special issue on the outcomes of the HepHIV 2017 Malta Conference: HIV and Viral Hepatitis: Challenges of Timely Testing and Care by HIV in Europe Initiative
In February 2018, the British medical journal HIV Medicine published the special issue “Outcomes of the HepHIV 2017 Malta Conference: Joining Forces for Earlier Diagnosis and Linkage to Care Across Europe”. The HepHIV 2017 conference was organized by HIV in Europe, in collaboration with European stakeholders, from the 31 January – 2 February 2017 in Malta, and was the second European conference to bring together stakeholders from the fields of HIV and viral hepatitis to discuss timely testing and care for the two related conditions.
The HepHIV 2017 Malta Conference was attended by 258 people from all over the world. Among the participants – a European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, representatives from ECDC, WHO Regional Office, European AIDS Treatment Group and many others.
The special issue of HIV Medicine provides an overview of the main challenges in this field across Europe and it contains 12 conference presentations addressing questions about testing policies and strategies, monitoring and evaluation of different testing activities and linkage to care. Three of the short communications derive from the three-year project OptTEST by HIV in Europe.
September 2017
Joint Final Conference Euro HIV EDAT and OptTEST Projects & launch of INTEGRATE Joint Action
The European Commission’s contribution to strengthening health systems: From HIV testing and linkage to care to integration of HIV, Hepatitis, TB & STIs
On 19 September 2017 an open conference was held in Brussels at Thon City Hotel to present policy relevant outcomes from the two EU-co financed projects OptTEST and Euro HIV EDAT, which have come to an end after three years of intense work.
In the afternoon a policy session and debate on how to move towards integration of HIV, hepatitis, TB & STIs was arranged with the official launch of the EU-co –financed Joint Action on integrating prevention, testing and link to care strategies across HIV, viral hepatitis, TB and STIs in Europe (INTEGRATE), which brings together 29 partners from 15 countries and runs for three years.
Department of Infectious Diseases, Section 2100, Finsencentret, Blegdamsvej 9, DK- 2200
Copenhagen, Denmark.
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